Blanchard Wellness Clinic
Soft-Tissue Manual Therapy, Corrective Exercise, Holistic Health & Alignment Coaching, Education, Clinical Research

What to Expect-An Integrative Approach

Serving all ages - Pain/Tension Patterns, Complex Conditions & Athletes 


The first thing you should expect as a client of Blanchard Wellness Clinic is highly individualized and responsive care, from an investigative practitioner who is curious about you as a unique and singular person. This makes the work that we do open-ended, and how it unfolds can vary widely from one client to another, depending on their needs, history and progress along the way. There are, however, some unifying aspects that tie together the work we do with every client.

1. Inquiry | Curiosity and asking questions is a core part of our work at every stage, and this is especially true of our first sessions with new clients. Before your first appointment, you’ll be asked to fill out an intake form that explores your health history and how your body feels, and we’ll begin our working relationship with an in-depth discussion of your answers at your initial visit. Through this dialogue, we often identify experiences or events that clients hadn’t considered relevant to the issue that brought them in, so we can start our work from a place of thorough understanding. Each successive session after your initial visit begins with a shortened version of an intake interview, during which we’ll capture feedback and insights about the homework you’ve been working on since your last session and its results. This allows us to refine our understanding and approach on a visit-by-visit basis, keeping your care always up to date and responsive to where you’re at.

2. Client Agency | During your sessions at Blanchard Wellness Clinic, we work to open windows of opportunity for change — and we equip you with knowledge, tools and exercises you’ll need to make those changes stick in the time between visits. If you struggle with getting the at-home parts of our work dialed in, our experience in coaching can allow you to identify and clear what’s holding you back.

3. Mindful Alignment | Misalignment in the body, at rest and in motion, is at the center of so many physical woes, so naturally, it is a central concern in the work that we do. As a client at Blanchard Wellness Clinic, you will learn to see and feel your own body differently, both in and out of the office. Our work will teach and call upon you to notice yourself — how your body feels in certain positions, and where you hold one part of your body in relation to another. Your body can learn to be in healthy alignment! Through the window of opportunity we create during office visits, and through alignment practices, we’ll work together to gradually create space and retrain your body to release set-in tensions and relax into a more natural and healthy shape.

4. Measurable Progress | One of the ways you’ll be most able to track your progress is in the frequency of your office visits. At first, we will ask to see you as often as twice a week. As the work sets in, and your body reverts back to its old habits of form and movement less and less, the frequency of in-person sessions begins to taper off. As the changes we are making together increasingly stick, you’ll need us less and less, until eventually you don’t need us at all! We’re also big fans of tracking progress with practices like taking before-and-after photos, so that you can not only feel the changes you’re making — you can see them, too.