Blanchard Wellness Clinic
Soft-Tissue Manual Therapy, Corrective Exercise, Holistic Health & Alignment Coaching, Education, Clinical Research

Stress Relief Massage Protocol for Nervous System Health

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress-related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. Massage is an effective tool for managing this stress, which translates into:

  • Decreased anxiety.
  • Enhanced sleep quality.
  • Greater energy.
  • Improved concentration.
  • Increased circulation.
  • Reduced fatigue.

Stress relief massage may be added to your treatment plan by your provider or you may just be looking for a truly expert way to relax.

Each licensed massage therapist goes through a training process in order to offer this specialized treatment at our clinic. You do not have to worry that you will be injured by a thoughtless, rough hand or that an entire limb will be "missed". Conversation will be limited to the intake process and payment is required before the day of your appointment. This allows for a slow transition back to reality. Take as much time as you need in our waiting area before and after your treatment to sip tea or coffee, journal or just listen to music for a bit.

Tips are not accepted due to the clinical nature of our services.

The therapeutic touch you receive will be aimed at helping you to truly relax. Our goal is for you to feel like you lose track of time for a bit and naturally find your restorative calming breathe again.

Our treatment protocol is standardized within our practice, incorporating evidence-based approaches for nervous system health and healing. This is a complement to the corrective approaches for soft tissue dysfunction including Structural Bodywork, Postural Awareness and other change making modalities we offer. Stress relief massage can open the door to deeper changes, quicker outcomes and lasting results. It truly is an Integrative Medicine Approach.

Below is a excerpt from the abstract of a controlled study done in 2020, to read the full report on NIH click HERE

"Health and disease are strongly linked to psychophysiological states. While stress research strongly benefits from standardized stressors, no established protocol focuses on the induction of psychophysiological relaxation. To maintain health, functioning regenerative systems are however likely as important as functioning stress systems. Thus, the identification of validated relaxation paradigms is needed. Here, we investigated whether standardized massages are capable of reliably inducing physiological and psychological states of relaxation. Relaxation was indicated by changes in high frequency heart rate variability (HF-HRV), a vagally-mediated heart rate variability component, and repeated ratings of subjective relaxation, and stress levels. Sixty healthy women were randomly assigned to a vagus nerve massage (n = 19), a soft shoulder massage (n = 22), or a resting control group (n = 19). During the intervention, HF-HRV and subjective relaxation increased, while subjective stress decreased significantly in all groups. Both massage interventions elicited significantly higher HF-HRV compared to the control group. Accordingly, both massage protocols increased psychophysiological relaxation, and may serve as useful tools in future research. However, future work will have to determine which of several protocols might be used as a gold standard to induce a psychophysiological state of relaxation in the laboratory"